Consent & Release
I hereby authorize Hope Empowerment Through Art (hereafter referred to as “HEART Global”) the right and permission to copyright and/or publish, reproduce or otherwise use my name, image, voice, and likeness in video, photographs, written materials, and audio-visual recordings. I acknowledge and understand these materials about or of me may be used for both commercial and/or non-commercial purposes.
I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published and/or distributed. I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive the right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording. I also understand this material may be used individually or in conjunction with other media in any medium, including without limitation to print publications, digital publications, and/or public broadcast for any lawful purpose. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.
I hereby acknowledge and grant HEART Global and its employees, agents, licenses, successors, and third-party organizations all ownership rights and the irrevocable right and permission to use, copyright, publish, sell, distribute, and/or promote the recorded video, photo, interview, and/or audio.
I understand that HEART Global can see no risk presently, and that I take full responsibility for my involvement in this project and the risks that it may entail (be they legal, physical, or mental) and release HEART Global from any claims, demands, losses, damages, suits, and liabilities of any kind whatsoever in connection with the foregoing.
I hereby certify that I am over eighteen years of age and am competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned. If I am under eighteen years of age, my parents or legal guardians have read this document and hereby give consent.
By granting this consent, I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above consent and release and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material for marketing, educational, promotional, and/or any other lawful purpose whatsoever.
If Participant is under 18 years of age:
As the parent/legal guardian of the named participant, by giving my consent, I hereby agree to bind my minor child to the provisions set forth above.